Busy Bee

1953 - The Busy Bee Club has for its main project the upkeep of East Mr. Pleasant Cemetery. We bought paint and painted the fence, we made sprays for the unkempt graves, we clean the cemetery about four times each year and hired it mowed.

We sent a box to the convalescent home each Christmas, which contains clothing or toys.

Our clubs most outstanding achievement is keeping our clubhouse up. We have bought material and made drapes for all the windows; had the piano tuned; bought twenty four chairs, linoleum and covered floor and kitchen table; and equipment for kitchen use.

We have entertainments for our community, others, also, us our building.

Mrs. Carrie Roofe giving demonstration on autumn boquets

Club Officers
President Mrs. Maggie Huff
Vice-President Mrs. Orla Powers
Secretary Mrs. Hugh Compton
Treasurer Mrs. Ted Dunn
Reporter Mrs. Ray Pendergraft
Mrs. Alva Gooden
Mrs. Thennal Gooden
Mrs. Otto Lamle
Mrs. Roy Patter
Mrs. Olen Powers
Mrs. J. C. Roof
Mrs. Carl Compton

This is a special meeting we are having today, in order to honor our former members and special honor for the charter members who are here today.



The Busy Bee Club of Oak Ridge Community was organized on March 31, 1939 by Miss Ola Armstrong, County Demonstrator. With the assistance of seven ladies of the community, who were: Mrs. Cora Eleanor, Mrs. Nora Halverson, Mrs. Evelyn Pearson, Mrs. Goldie Pettis, Miss. Beula Pearson, Mrs. A. Winchester, Mrs. Dorotha Winchester. Our first president was Mrs. Nora Halverson, Vice-President, Mrs. A. Pettis, Secretary, Miss Bula Pearson.

From 1932 to the present date the club has continued to grow, not only as to membership, but also achievements and various activities. There has been a total of 63 members in this club. At present there are sixteen active members.

In 1933 we agreed for our club project, the up-keep of the East Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Or first accomplishment was locating and marking each unmarked grave, with a cement marker leaving the name.

There were 72 markers made and placed at the graves. We also located the corners of each lot and placed brick markers.

Later Mr. Swink donated 40 loads of gravel to be used for the driveway. The gravel was hauled three miles. The dirve-way was completed by men of the community. The old fence was later removed and replaced with new woven wire.

Money has been donated for the cemetery, also we have tried in many ways to raise money for our treasurer; such as fair exhibits, food sales, serving lunches at public sales, and serving at 4-H rallies, sponsoring box suppers and programs.

We now have a community center for our meeting and various community activities. We have spent many pleasant hours together. Although there has been times, when they were greatly over-shadowed by the loss of our club members who were; Mrs. Josie Cyphers, Mrs. Nora Halverson, Mrs. Ida Darvin, Mrs. Mae Bellew, and Miss Mary Esther Bakes.

We as members of the Busy Bee Club have tried in a warm spiritual way, to be helpful to those in need during sickness, deaths, and to Orphan Children. We want to be ever ready with a helping heart and hand to be of benefit and to improve our community.

We feel we owe a lot of our success to our 1952 President, Mrs. Nellie Dunn and Secretary, Mrs. Virgie Powers, and to our 1953 President, Mrs. Maggie Huff, and Mrs. Kate Compton our Secretary, we plan many more successful years. We cordially invite our new neighbors to join us in our gatherings.