Merry Circle
On February 10th, 1930, the Home Demonstration Agent, Ola Armstrong met at the home of Mrs. Albert Masonhall and organized a Home Demonstration Club with three women present.
Mrs. J. W. Houser - Presdident, Mrs. Mae Long - Vice President, Mrs. Albert Masonhall - Sec & Treasurer.

1951-1952 Officers: President - Mrs. Albert Masonhill, Vice President - Mrs. Mrs. Haryey, Secretary - Mrs. Gilman, Reporter - Mrs. Keith Schrader, Treasurer - Mrs Diamons, Reporter - Mrs. Alice Diamond

Mrs. J. W. Houser later resigned and Mrs. Long became President. Mrs. Long and Mrs. Masonhall invited ladies to attend. Mrs. Masonhall suggested the name "Merry Circle". It was voted on and carried a secretary book and we had ten members.

We had as our Project to purchase stage curtains for the school; also to beautify the school grounds.

In 1943 we did Red Cross work, sponsored the 4-H club, We had a picnic for them. We have always sponsored the Eagle City Fairs.

In 1948 our Club grew to 29 members. We have always sent flowers, cards and gifts to the sick.

Mrs. Lorene Cox has been with the club a long time. She is very active in 4-H work and exhibit work for the fair.

Miss Thompson has given us many useful demonstrations.

In 1951-52 we bought markers for the cemetery at Eagle City for unmarked graves, also put a rest room in the building, painted the gate posts and put down a well.

The club has learned to cooperate and help each other. We have done many more things.

We have 2 charter members; Mrs. Mae Long and Mrs. Albert Masonhall. We read the Farm Womens Creed along with our devotionals.

We have a good delegation at the County Council. Three delegates went on the Oklahoma City Tour in 1951. Some have attended the Farm Congress in the past. I think Home Demonstration helped all in some way to make better homemakers.

Mrs. Albert Masonhall

Three went on the Oklahoma City tour 1951 Ethyl Zeka, Mrs. Masonhall, Josephine Haulk

Merry Circle Club - Eagle City


At County Style Revue

We had fifteen members at the beginning of this year. We start our meetings on time, and use parliamentary procedure throughout the meetings.

A committee was appointed to budget the amount to give to drives. We drew names for our club pals, also exhibit at the County Fair.

The 4H is our project. We had a St. Patrick's Day Party, and had a grab box at the Farmers Union Meeting. The boxes consisted of articles valued at twenty five events each. The proceeds went to the club treasury.

President, Mrs. Albert Masonhall
Secretary, Mrs. Glen Masonhall
Reporter, Mrs. Ethel Zeka