Okeene Sunshine Club
Five of the eight charter members of Okeene Homemakers Home Demonstration Club

Mrs. Lea Westfahl
Mrs. Mable Hockett
Mrs. Bess Anderson
Mrs. Pearl Stuteville
Mrs. Avis Weigand

In the autumn of 1922, Ilene McNulty invited a group of women, to the home of Rose Beatty, in Okeene, to plan the organization of a Home Demonstration Club.

As Blaine County has just hired a Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Vera V. Carding, it was decided to invite her, and have the first meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm Baker, with Mrs. Mable Hockett, as hostess.

Mrs. Carding, explained the purposes of Club work, the procedure used in the meeting and the duties of officers. She then organized the first Home Demonstration Club in Blaine County.

Charter members enrolled were: Mesdames Mable Hockett, Ilene McNulty, Rosa Beatty, Cara Westfahl, Bessie Anderson, Pearl Stuteville, and Avis Weigand. Mrs. Mable Hockett was elected President and Mrs. Ilene McNulty was elected Secretary.

The name: Homemakers Home Demonstration Club was chosen, and to meet each first and third Tuesday of each month, in the home of one of the members.

The lessons, one for each month was sent out from Stillwater, and the year books were made by the club members.

Some of the earlier demonstrations were: Making dress forms, caponizing cockerels, ice cream making by a Stillwater Dairy specialist, lath sub-irrigation of gardens, soap making, boning chicken, and many canning demonstrations using the pressure cooker, which was new to most farm women at that time.

The club sponsored better home tours, garden tours, health clinics, picnics, and community fairs. The club always took part in County Fairs. At one Fair, prizes were given for the most articles made from sacks. The club took first prize, having exhibited over one hundred articles.

Serving dinners at sales raised money and one time a play was presented. Some of the money was used to buy rings for new babies, showers to members who married, and flowers for the sick.

During the first few years, when the question arose as to rehiring the Home Demonstration Agent, it became necessary, many times, for club members to call on the County Commissioner, or Excise Board to speak in her behalf.

Mrs. Carding worked hard and the club grew rapidly, as any worthy woman in the community had an invitation to become a member.

In the summer of 1925 when the Homemakers met in the home of Lea Westfahl with an attendance of 68, it was decided to divide. The road running east & west through Okeene was designated the dividing line. Members living north of the line drew the name, and those south of the line, drew the meeting days.

The south side set and organized the Hopeful Club. Mrs. Avis Weigand was elected president and Mrs. Namie Preibe, secretary. The membership increased until each hostess had two assistants, indicating there were around 40 members.

Mrs. Carding continued to come once a month for a little over two years. Then she was promoted to another County with an increase in salary. Miss Iva McAlister, who later became Mrs. Whitt, took her place. Mrs. Whitt served nearly two years and the County Federation was organized during her term, September 6, 1926. Mrs. Namie Preibe of the Hopful Club was elected the first County Federation President. Miss Ola Armstrong followed Mrs. Whitt in the spring of 1928, serving until she was promoted to Stillwater as clothing specialist.

The Hopeful Club divided in October, 1933, as the Homemakers had, and for the same reason.

The Okeene Sunshine Club was organized, October 25, 1933 in the home of Mrs. Sam Haworth in Okeene with 16 members. Enrollment was limited to 25. Officers elected were: President Avis Weigand, Vice President, Dorathy Broady, Secretary-Treasurer and Reporter was Callie Stuteville and pianist was Mrs. Louis Dumler.

The club continued to meet twice each month, the first and third Tuesdays, which was changed in 1948 to the first and third Thursdays.

Each year a community project was chosen, such as, park improvement, helping the library, aiding the war effort, clothing for crippled children and sponsoring 4H work. Tours to points of interest in Oklahoma City and various tours of farms and homes in the county were enjoyed.

Federation and County Council meetings, District meetings and Farm and Home Congress meetings were attended.

Club Officers:
President; ---------------Mrs. Carl Lauback
Vice-Pres.; --------------Mrs. Joe Weems
Secretary & Treas.; --Mrs. Ralph Brickman
---------------------------24 Members-------------------------

Projects; 4H Club, City Library, Crippled Children's Hospital

To the 4H Club- We gave $10, selected a 4H girl as candidate for WheaEsta & Co. Fair. Mrs. Hessel one of our members is a Local, County, & State 4H leader.

To the Library- We gave $10. For new books & contributed used books & magazines.

To the Crippled Children's Hospital- We gave cookies, toys, cards, & a party. Sewed 85 garments & gave towels, wash clothes, etc. to the Polio Ward.

Mrs. O.C. Laubach arranging buffet table at Mrs. Herman Lauback's home for club meeting.

We contributed to all drives & the Bennett Memorial. Had a shower for a mother to be, sent flowers to the sick & bereaved.

We had one family party, a buffet luncheon, Participated in the County & Okeene Fair, help a food sale.

Had 19 invited guests and 4 local people contributed to our lessons.

Bal. On Hand Nov. 1st $18.66 (1951)
1952 Bal. $30.59
Total contributions: Drives $37.00
Projects $32.95


The project selected by The Okeene Sunshine Club for 1953 was cleaning the community building. The city Council whole heartedly gave their consent and agreed to furnish the material needed, if we would do the work. They also agreed to let us use anything from the old city hospital, that we wanted to improve the building.

The husbands worked with us several days painting the walks, varnishing woodwork, replacing termite eaten boards, and moving things from the old hospital, and sealing cracks in the plaster. The stove in the kitchen was replaced, and a hot plate added for additional warming space.

We bought and made screens for the auditorium and curtains for the kitchen. A chrome chair and settee was reupholstered and several chairs cleaned and varnished for lounging.

The ladies who were unable to work fixed the meals at noon and brought rolls or cookies to serve with coffee, in midafternoon.

views of the community building as the women worked and work completed
President Mrs. Arne Brickman
VP Mrs. Steve Warner
Sec, Treas, Mrs. Ralph Brickman
Rep. Mrs. Raymond Bierig

Alma Broady
Dorothy Broady
Edith Canady
Susie Carter
Anna Flaming
Liva Fox
Mary Lou Gerkin
Cora Hessel
Dorothy Laubach
Avis Weigand
Leila Weems
Effie Seifert
Elma Laubach
Hannah Laubach
Lillie Laubach
Rebecca Laubach
Velma Lubbers
Ada Leisher
Mildred Meier
Ruth Schuber
Callie Stuteville
Viva Warner